Some more aquatic fun today...did you know its IOSF World Otter Day? well, it is, so wish them a happy birthday.
this just in from Sharne McMillan We’re excited to share one of the latest images downloaded from our infra-red cameras. Here we can see one of the latest additions to HK’s otter population - a juvenile, which is about 6 months old with its mother (HKU camera image, ~1am). It’s wonderful to see successful breeding and rearing of young in HK. We hope you can join the online presentation discussing ‘Otters of Hong Kong’ tonight at 6:30pm
The Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) has the widest distribution of the world's 13 otter species and occurs from the UK across Europe to Asia, including Hong Kong. Our extant otter population appears to be restricted to the Inner Deep Bay wetlands including the areas around the Mai Po Nature Reserve. While we have limited information about this population, there is a University of Hong Kong (HKU) study under way to learn more. The purpose of this post is to increase awareness of this wonderful species and the wetland habitats it lives in so that we can protect and conserve it into the future. NOTE: We welcome comments and information on otters to be posted, but please don't post specific locations of otter records, as they can be vulnerable to human disturbance. If you have an otter record you would like to share, please PM us. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The HKU study is supported by: Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Environment and Conservation Fund, and Wildlife Reserves Singapore Conservation Fund. 香港可以找到野生水獺! 歐亞水獺 (Lutra lutra) 是全球13個水獺品種當中分佈最廣的一種。分佈範圍橫跨歐亞兩洲,自英國延伸到香港。香港現有水獺種群的棲息範圍局限於后海灣濕地,包括米埔自然保護區。現時本地水獺種群資料不足,因此香港大學正進行相關研究。本專頁目的是提供水獺資訊分享平台,提升大眾對瀕危水獺的保育意識。 歡迎您在此分享任何有關水獺的資訊。由於水獺對人為干擾非常敏感,請勿在本專頁透露水獺具體地點。如果您發現水獺蹤跡,請透過短訊息聯絡我們。 鳴謝:此研究項目資助來自香港海洋公園保育基金,環境及自然保育基金,以及新加坡動物園保育基金