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For Hong Kong, as elsewhere, the data is clear. We are seeing hotter than ever mean temperatures and wilder weather. Just look at this local record of rainfall from the HK Observatory.

(Source: the Croucher Ecology newsletter issue 4: July 2021.

This weather has a massive impact on local bio-diversity, as well as directly impacting our own lives and causing millions in damages, and often more hardship and even fatalities, especially for the most vulnerable.

I strongly urge you to read this latest issue of the newsletter, which covers the climate-related risk in Hong Kong - with a special focus on its biodiversity and its impact on our wild creatures.

The Croucher Foundation is an independent private foundation dedicated to promoting the standard of the natural sciences, technology and medicine in Hong Kong.

The Croucher Foundation has been funding scientific research including research on climate change since 1979. Scientists are able to model the rapidly evolving physical risks associated with climate change with increasing accuracy and to link these physical risks with impacts including economic impact. As Hong Kong studies the risks associated with climate change, builds predictive models, and begins to identify science-based solutions, the Foundation is taking this opportunity to share some of the directly relevant research.

Full disclosure: I am not associated with the Croucher Foundation, but I was paid for a few photos in an earlier newsletter. But I really love the learning and information that they have gathered in this newsletter and the support they give to natural sciences.


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