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City Nature Challenge, extension tubes and the blues.

This is a message just for my email subscribers.

Firstly, we have had to cancel the iNatuarlist competition, events, exhibitions and talks due to take place this weekend, dammit.

But, we can still go out and record our observations and add to the species ID and information and learn more about nature. So i encourage you to downaload the app (on computer or phone) at and get out into nature and record what you see. oh, and pick up a copy of my booklet too!

One particular place to go is Lions Nature Education Centre in Sai Kung. And it is a great place to find these lovely blue butterflies at the i shot this to catch the rainbow reflections from the sun on its wings.

I will be in Lions Park Sunday morning until midday - you are welcome to join me, take some pictures to add to inatuarlist with our phones, and take some butterfly pictures, and i can answer any photo queries you may have. Simply look for me walking around, or you can email me on

These shots are macro, where i used a 70-200mm zooom and then added 3 extension tubes.

An extension tube is a hollow, light-tight tube that fits between your lens and your camera mount, which allows you to focus much closer than with your standard lens. There are no glass elements, and they are super cheap. It works by moving your lens further from the camera, and the front element closer to the subject. The closer you can focus, the more magnification you get. There are challenges such as Depth of Field and ISO/light...but i like a good challenge.

You can see the black rings on this picture of me with my camera, and very swish camera jacket.

These lovely butterflies love this particular plant:

And i will probably spend most of my morning near here as there is a particular photo that i have in mind that i am keen to capture.

Almost full frame allows a great amount of detail and wonderful sharpness.

and here below, trying with an off-camera flash.


Do you love nature?

Do you love taking pictures on your phone?

Do you want to help Hong Kong better understand its amazing biodiversity?

This challenge is for YOU!

Between April 24-27th 2020, all you need to do is to take photos of the wildlife you see in our urban parks, our countryside, our beaches, our neighbourhoods and our islands. Then upload your observations to iNaturalist. It's that simple!!

There's NO registration needed and is FREE to join!

Join over 240 cities around the world in promoting biodiversity awareness and engagement. Become citizen scientists and contribute to our growing database of local nature.

All with the touch of a button!


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