The wonderful sea hawk, river hawk, and fish hawk known to me and many as an Osprey. Pandion haliaetus. such a lovely bird, I think we will take the next 3 days to blog about it, as I was out in Mai Po just the the other day and found one. Day two will be images of it fishing. Day three will be a catch. But today we start with the images I shot earlier this week...
Towards the end of the day, sun going down... and these pics tell a story how these smaller solitary raptors often get buzzed and mobbed by other birds.
Seen here, rarely left in peace, with the skyscrapers of Shenzhen in the background.
Some Ospreys may log more than 160,000 migration miles during its 15-to-20-year lifetime. One bird being tracked in the USA flew 2,700 miles over 13 days in 2008, from Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, to French Guiana, South America.
These lovely birds can live a long time, with the oldest recorded Osprey being at least 25 years, 2 months old, living in Virginia. The name "Osprey" made its first appearance around 1460, via the Medieval Latin phrase for "bird of prey" (avis prede).