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STARLINGS.....all this week....

OK, first an anecdote from Europe and some pics of a starling in the on..... On May 27, 1784, Mozart bought a starling in Vienna, which lived with him for three years as a pet.

(allegedly.....accounts differ)

One day the bird repeated the 17 opening notes of the Piano Concerto No. 17 in G major, K. 453, which Mozart had composed, with some variations, in particular by inserting a coda on the last bar of the first complete measure and singing a G♯ instead of a natural G in the following measure.

most remarkable, was that when the starling passed away Mozart organised a big funeral and a worthy burial in the garden of his home and dedicated a passionate funeral poem to his feathered friend...see below

Mozart's funeral poem is translated by Robert Spaethling into vernacular English as follows.

Here rests a bird called Starling,A foolish little Darling.He was still in his primeWhen he ran out of time,And my sweet little friendCame to a bitter end,Creating a terrible smartDeep in my heart.Gentle Reader! Shed a tear,For he was dear,Sometimes a bit too jollyAnd, at times, quite folly,But nevermoreA bore.I bet he is now up on highPraising my friendship to the sky,Which I renderWithout tender;For when he took his sudden leave,Which brought to me such grief,He was not thinking of the manWho writes and rhymes as no one can.


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