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New Exhibition....

I am very pleased that Lung Fu Shan and the Hong Kong Science Museum have invited me to take part and include me and 27 others in the exhibition 【Ecology in the Making (1816-present) (yes, that's my spider pic, top left)

more info: Museum. The exhibition only runs until April. Don't miss the chance. See you there!

Date: 19.03.2021 (Fri) - 14.04.2021 (Wed) Venue: G/F Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum Time: Special opening hours are from 10am to 5pm (closes on Thursdays except public holidays). Visit by sessions, each lasting two hours. For more details, please refer to the Hong Kong Science Museum website.

From their promotion:

Riding on the success of the first exhibition of Hong Kong amateur naturalists last year, we are now holding "Ecology in the Making (1816-present)" at the Hong Kong Science Museum with more content!

In addition to the more detailed depictions of the passionate individuals featured last time, the History Section expanded to include new stories such as Gloria Barretto, a civil servant and botanist specialising in Hong Kong orchids; C.J. Braine, the plantsman of Lan Kwai Fong. The enriched sections also feature endemic species such as Hong Kong Camellia and Romer's Tree Frog.

New to the exhibition, the last chapter tells the stories of 21 contemporary Hong Kong amateur naturalists. Including former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory Lam Chiu Ying, writer and painter Human Ip, founder of WildCreatures Hong Kong Robert Ferguson, embroidery artist Sandy Lam, Black Kite master Peter Chan and former taxidermist Li Kin Man.

Five chapters, 28 individual's stories, and over 100 exhibits ... Now at the Hong Kong Science Price: No extra fee for museum visitors of Permanent Exhibitions*Please scroll down for English




展覽全新部分,則收錄21位香港當代業餘博物學家,包括前香港天文台台長林超英、作家葉曉文、「香港野」創辦人Robert Ferguson、刺繡藝術家林潔宜、麻鷹達人陳佳瑋和肥文標本館創辦人肥文等,細說他們的博物情緣。


展期:2021年3月19日(五)至4月14日(三) 展覽地點:香港科學館地下展廳 開放時間:特別開放時間為每日上午10時至下午5時,逢星期四休館(公眾假期除外)。入場採取分段式參觀,每節兩小時,設入場限額,詳情請參閱香港科學館網頁。 費用:常設展覽參觀人士不另收費 詳情:


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