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Our Recent Posts


Aristotle said...

"In all things of nature, there is something of the marvellous".

As a one man band that runs the website and blog content as a passion project I am excited to see the interest and feedback that it is getting. If you enjoy the blog, and/or find the website useful, please do refer us to friends, family, schools, wildlife NGOs etc to help us grow our audience. And if you REALLY like what we are doing overall, you might consider making a small donation to keep the website and the blog going. I promise in return to keep exciting content posted every day, with a view to improving my photography even more. Thank you. Link here for donations, or please cut and paste into your browser if the link is not working.

If you have comments or questions, please go to the Facebook Page “Wildcreatures Hong Kong” (also with the same daily blog) and post them there.

Sorry, but links do not seem to work in this format, so please cut and paste this into your browser: For blogs in Chinese, search for "香港野 hong kong wildcreatures " Please also see for ID and animal information, around 180 species are listed with photo ID, and for snakes.

    ©2018 by WildCreaturesHongKong.

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