Another very common sight at Lions Park is the Crested Bulbul or the Red-whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus). Very social, these noisy, chattering birds can be seen near the ponds, and in the branches around the Park. Catching a bird in flight is always a challenge, and a treat.

Crested Bulbul or the Red-whiskered Bulbul
(Pycnonotus jocosus). This pretty bird is a common
sight in Hong Kong, found everywhere from
woodland to gardens. They are not only frugivores
(furit eaters), they also enjoy a tasty insect. Still
favoured as a pet today, they are known to live for up
to eleven years in captivity. They have a rather
chivalrous courtship, where the male bows his bead,
drops his wings and spreads his tail. In Hong Kong
they breed from April till June.