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My Bulbuls

This is the the red-whiskered or crested Bulbul. Now pay attention, as there is a contrast for tomorrow. But his post is about a food that they love to feed on, which is in season around now, and i was up in Kadoorie farm hoping to get this picture of mid seed feed, showing this behaviour.

Now, some bonus information: Thanks to Gary of Kadoorie Farm I now know that this plant is called Alocasia macrorrhizos which is cultivated particularly in the Philippines, and it is the giant taro. In Australia it is known as the cunjevoi (a term which also refers to a marine animal). Is is mainly cultivated for starch, but it is edible if cooked for a long time - but its sap irritates the skin due to calcium oxalate crystals, which are needle like, and can really irritate the skin.

I know this first from a friend who went into the bushes on a walk and used one of these leaves to, er, wipe. They could not stop scratching for a long time...hahhahaha, how we laughed. You know who you are.....

And now some more pics of the ubiquitous, noisy, but iconic and cute Bulbul.

this one the wind was blowing his crest

and two more pictures from the same day in Kadoorie showing different poses, perches, and lighting conditions.


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