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As mentioned, I am very pleased to showcase any artists, photographers, or naturalists/Ecologists who have a story to tell...and here we have something a bit different from Nissa Kauppila .

I have picked some wonderful images of our local wildlife.....done in her chinese painterly style.

And some words from Nissa to our readers explaining her approach: "It is my belief that we humans, as a species, have egotistically placed ourselves above the all other life-forms around us, thereby allowing entire ecosystems to disappear completely – purely because of our own selfish desires and consumption of natural resources. Hence, when I begin to work a painting, the process first commences not on the paper but in my mind’s eye, as I relish and cherish my time spent observing the shrinking natural world. Each painting allows the very creature(s) depicted the requisite stage and audience necessary to showcase its inherent beauty – traits that many living in industrial society have little chance of seeing up-close. In this sense, the careful and patient attention that my art calls for becomes a way for me and my viewers to honor the intricate balance of life to which we need to give precedence, especially today."

“Kauppila's fascination with birds began with her childhood in rural Vermont. They represented to her a kind of freedom that humans could only emulate and watch from afar. This awe for the natural world led her in part to gravitate towards classical Chinese ink painting, incorporating its line and form as well as mastering it as a medium…”

and in case you are interested in learning more, or buying some:

I have prints available here in HK of several of them as well. My website:

She does commissions, and has available works here in HK-for ordering limited edition prints of her work locally, go here:


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