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The Small Indian civet.

This week we stick with HK mammals and finish with the Small Indian civet or (Viverricula indica taivana) if you prefer.

They live on the ground, nesting in holes, or under rocks, but they can climb well like the rest of their family. They are primarily insectivorous but also feed on rats, mice, birds, snakes, fruit, roots and carrion. They normally live around 8 years, and the female has four or five young at a birth.

These animals are normally nocturnal - so yes, I had to set up a camera trap to get these images. As I learned more about this type of camera trapping I was able to keep the subject in focus and also get less flash glare. Also the animal became more habituated to the gear that was left in the forest for over a month.

These images took c.2 months to achieve and needed regular visits to the camera as it is a DSLR (a canon 5Dmk iii) left out with rain protection gear and a flash, also protected.

In the image above you can see the sensor on the right, tied to the tree.

Very weasel like....don't you think?

FYI over this period I also got quite a few wild boar, and more worryingly, many cats, both domestic and feral, that compete with our natural, local, wildlife.


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