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Well done Hong Kong......


to little Hong Kong, that has done so well in the City Nature Challenge that took place over last weekend.

We managed to log 3,111 species in 4 days! and come 4th worldwide. Incredible, and it shows the fantastic bio-diversity that we have here.

Here is a note from the tireless and inspiring organiser, Shaun Martin:

"Firstly, a MASSIVE thank you to all of you that incorporated the CNC into your normal activities, made specific activities or just promoted amongst your students, family, friends, clients and colleagues. Your efforts are truly appreciated.

We didn’t quite make all our targets but we certainly smashed our previous records. As of 3:30pm, 30/4, it was as follows:

Observations: 25,963. (2018: 20,268. 8th/68 cities)

Species Logged: 3,111. (2018: 2932. 4th/68 cities)

Observers: 1,086. (2018: 755. 7th/68 cities)

But it’s not over yet! Can you please let your contacts know that if they still have pictures taken from April 26-29th, either on their smartphone or on their camera, they can still upload them to iNaturalist and they will still count in our totals, every little helps!

Also, there's still a chance that more species will be uncovered, so for all of you enthusiasts and ecologists out there, we could still do with your help in offering identifications to these observations. "

Sean is organising an ID party

so it you think you can help....

Date: Thursday 2nd May, 2019

Time: Anytime between 10am - 6pm

Venue: WWF – Central Visitor Centre. 1 Tramway Path, Central.


Refreshments: Food and Drinks provided.

or email him directly at

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