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The moon moth

so called because they fly at night.

Often found early in the year around February. While some moths suck nectar, others don't eat at all. The adult Luna moth doesn't even have a mouth. After it emerges from its cocoon, it lives for a few weeks. Its sole mission in life? To mate and lay eggs. A male moth can smell a female more many miles away. Though they lack noses, they detect odor molecules using their antennae instead.

Moths: The next superfood? In some parts of the world, moths are a major food source for people. More than 90 percent of people in some African countries eat moth and butterfly caterpillars, according to a 2004 survey by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Caterpillars are packed with protein and healthy fats, and research shows that 100 grams of these insects provides more than 100 percent of the daily requirement of some vital minerals, such as potassium, calcium, zinc and iron.

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