Today we will look at the wonderful world of naming a new species..and this case its about a millipede. but before we get into that lets look at this photo of the COMMON ASIAN MILLIPEDE AKA RUSTY MILLIPEDE (Trigoniulus corallinus) This cute little creature is a rusty millipede and, although we have a lot of different millipede species, this is by far the most common and widespread. Many other millipedes live under rocks and logs, favouring the moist earth, but this one can sometimes be found out and about.
OK, back to the subject, that a recently discovered millipede was named after a pop star. Cos it transpires if you find it then you get to name it, after anyone you, except yourself. SO someone spent a lot of time finding minute differences - in this case the male's modified legs - of taxonomy to make a new species. Found only in remote Tennessee the new bug is Nannaria the lead author of the study is a "Swiftie" ie a massive fan of Taylor Swift. check back tomorrow on some more namings you might know about....