On the “room for improvement”… the key issue for me is still overall purpose and management. How is biodiversity managed and measured at this key site? does it matter, or is it just another recreational urban park? Here are my key points:
Where is the accountability? where are the targets and measures and monitoring to showcase success (or could do better)? One thing is to say we had 3,000 school kids come through the park to be "nature educated". But if they are just looking at plastic signs, is that a measure of success too? the net/insect house has not been closed, but I could not find one butterfly in it, and only one insect. Not an overwhelming impression...nice plastic signs though. I would also add that the coach loads of visitors often leave a lot of trash lying around after their visit.
Who knows what to plant and where? who cares? the contractors used have no clue what they are doing...(note previous eradication of the lotuses, and hedgerows etc). On a recent visit I found that the three key locations - and trees - where I found Atlas moth caterpillars had all been cut down. Why? where is the sense in that? who cares? who knew? I managed to stop more carnage at the "butterfly valley" where key plants were being destroyed, and the one manager was left running around trying to direct personnel whose purpose was to "clear everything"....just like the bad old days. But, at least it looks a lot better than before...
Non farm areas still seem to be a little priority for the management. here the wonderful passion fruit trellis has died off completely with no care of management. The same is true of many other areas.... a lack of resources? or a lack of priority...
4. Because at the same time...the previously neglected banana grove has been completely cleared and now has a nice new fence around it....what is that about?? why? what purpose does this serve? who knows///?
5. Meanwhile the "wetland paradise (sic)" ie the big/lowest pond is completely overrun and chocked with water hyacinth. Bad news and poor management. Meanwhile, the ponds are still a dumping ground for "mercy releases" and invasive species abound. Where is the policing and policy management that can help our local species thrive? 25 red eared sliders, multiple massive carp, and 6 edible chinese bullfrogs is a ridiculous display.
6. Coming back to knowledge and care...like for the trees that support the Atlas moths...I was appalled to find the bushes where I had found rare spiders had all been cut down and removed. so, no more rare spiders then? who cares?
7. I have listed out areas for improvement, and I have volunteered my services.... I would really like to see a baseline survey for the park.... for example there have been 31 dragonfly species recorded at the park, with 14 of them common, ie more than 10- numbers present. Now? who knows.... oh, and did i mention the dog faeces everywhere and the buses with their engines running?