A Crab spider

"small but mighty" was the photographic competition organised by 嘉道理農場暨植物園 Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden; so I entered this fearsome beasty....who I definitely heard saying to me...."c'mon then, big guy, have a go, if you are tough enough"....even tho i was probably 1,000 times bigger!

Below is the caption and information:





Title: The Deadly Embrace

Caption: This is a Crab Spider in the family Thomisidae. This spider does not make a web, but makes its living ambush hunting in flowers, where they grab visiting insects.

I found him near the top of the farm, arms outstretched, waiting for his lunch.

I wanted to point out the difference between this shot, which was shot using a remote flash held overhead but also using available daylight, but it really brings the focus onto the subject and also allows for a great close up macro which i could handhold.

Compare this to the original image below of my initial shot when i first spotted the spider and got off a "record" shot, using only available light. I was also lucky that whilst i was taking photos he came across the leaf to challenge me, arms outstretched, before running under the lead. Quite a brave move for something 1/1000 of my size!